The Most Beautiful Texas Books

Tom Lea's two-volume history of the King Ranch is a staple in many Texas libraries. It is beautifully written and perfectly illustrated. The saddleblanket edition, though, is on a whole other level. Bound in rugged saddleblanket cloth emblazoned with the ranch's Running W brand;, printed on specially made rag paper with Running W watermarks, housed in a slipcase with a handsome leather spine label - it is a visual and tactile feast. It's also a Texana rarity.

But is it the best of all the titles listed in Basic Texas Books? Michelle and Dr. Hardin think so.

Michelle M Haas

Chairman, Texas History Trust.
Lead designer, managing editor and researcher at Copano Bay Press.
Native of the Texas Coastal Plains.


Siege of the Alamo - Day One


A Controversial San Jacinto Book