Will you stand up for Texas and defend our history?
Texas History Trust is here to do battle against warped history, foster historical debate and support new historical research. We represent the voices of Texans who see the historical record being revised, not on the basis of evidence and primary documents, but in the name of “diversity, equity and inclusion” and other emotional appeals.
We have drawn a line in the sand. Will you cross it?
On History’s Side.
It is the job of historians to tell us—effectively, evenhandedly and according to the historical record—the stories that led us to our current place in the world. In that way, historians tell us what we know, not just about the past, but about ourselves. Our history is our culture. What happens if the cultural quilt that makes us all Texan is stained by the cynical hue of warped history? We lose our identity. Not just one group. All of us. That’s how we stop being Texans.
Calling Out Bad History.
We aren’t afraid to name names. We hold authors, professors, universities and historical organizations accountable for bad-faith revisions and attacks on Texas history that aren’t based on the historical record. Revisions to history are a net good when rooted in fact and placed in proper context. We support that. But we shine a light on ideology-driven revisionism and let you know who’s responsible for it.
Showcasing Real History.
Real history, simply put, is based on evidence and primary documents…not feelings or trends or mind-reading. We are a springboard for new historical research. Students at major universities are often made to tailor their research to the agendas of their professors & advisors. Lay historians seeking grants are turned away from grant programs if they aren’t associated with a university. We’re here to change all that.
Taproot Project: Vital Tools.
We are digitizing previously inaccessible source documents of Texas history and making them available to all free of charge in a searchable digital format. These resources are a game-changer for anyone with curiosity or a passion for the story of early Texas.

Support Texas History
You marching beside us allows us to expose academic malpractice, showcase historians ignored by academia, promote historical debate and fight to keep fact-based history in our schools. We are a 501(c) nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax deductible.